Iffah wins trip to Korea
Iffah Aminudin, Year 9 won a scholarship to Korea for 10 days in the July holidays.
Congratulations to Iffah and her Korean teacher, Sue Kim. Three people were selected from throughout New Zealand - 2 from Auckland and Iffah from Dunedin. Iffah speaks English, Malay and Korean and has a passion for languages, cultures and food. The scholarship covered Iffah's flights, accommodation, sightseeing and cultural activities .
We are currently the only school in New Zealand offering Year 9-13 Korean and Sue is developing the Korean curriculum for New Zealand teachers as it is a growth area. Sue teaches Korean and Japanese and can also teach Digital Technology. Logan Park is hosting the Asian Language Learning in Schools (ALLIS) NZ wide contract which is an exciting initiative aimed at promoting Asian languages throughout New Zealand. In 2017 we plan to add Hindi, Bahasa (Indonesian) and Phillipino to the Korean, Japanese and Chinese we offer this year.