Andy Parsons (HOD) — Nov 15, 2013

2013 has been another fabulous year in the Technology Department.

Innovative and creative solutions to real life situations abound. Again students have been challenged to engage in technological practice to create all sorts of outcomes solving issues in all different aspects of technology.

Fabric Technology department continues to grow and develop with now all levels being taught.  Early winter brought an opportunity for Year 10 to Snow Dye - where students dyed fabric for their Customised Cushion.  Beginning of Term 2 saw an exhibition in the library of Y10 Ugly Creatures where they designed, functional modelled, made patterns and then sewed their creatures created on a morph of two animals - students continue to produce original innovative designs in solving design challenges especially Year 9 with Skill Cube panels.

Senior Hospitality was offered at all levels for the first time in 2013. Students gained practical and theoretical skills in commercial catering through the use of Hospitality Standards Institute workbooks. A wide range of dishes, ranging from those using complex techniques to healthy, “domestic” recipes, were mastered. Year 13 students completed “authentic” assessment tasks such as catering for the 2013 Academy Services camp at Tautuku, preparing and producing an end-of-year lunch for the Student Council and catering for Teacher Lunches. Students are well-prepared to obtain part-time jobs in the hospitality industry or to progress to Professional Cookery courses at any polytechnic.

Junior Food Technology classes have worked on a variety of units this year, all with a focus on healthy eating. Students were able to design their own food products for stakeholders as they followed the Technological Process. A class barbecue was held at the end of the “Healthy Barbecue” unit and students cooked a meal for their families as part of the “Cook a Healthy Meal at Home” unit. Year 10 also completed a unit in the third term around food safety and study skills, and are presently learning about how to make healthy changes in their own lives through the 7 step “Action Plan” process.