Hero photograph
Photo by Frankie Vella


Warwick Kain —

The 2019 season was a mixed season. The Term One experiment with one grade was very challenging for our teams. We battled through against opposition sides well beyond our ability.

The Term 4 competition saw the return of A and B grade competition and the return of competitive games for our three teams. Many new players have joined the ranks and these young players have really stepped up to the competition, and all of which have improved impressively in a short amount of time. With other players having played several seasons really starting to strut their stuff, the teams have begun to work together efficiently and tactically. It is very rewarding to see and this will only go on to improve in Term One. 

In terms of practices, we have worked on a range of different skills and team tactics and incorporated various new games. Practices are always fun, as we share half the pool with Otago Girls High School and usually at the end of a practice we play a game against them. For the year thirteen players (Caitlin Bathgate, Hamish O’Malley-King, Josie Baughen) this is their last season, and many of them have played since the beginning of school. The season carries on to Term One of 2020, and we are hoping even more new students join our teams in the new year! 

Waterpolo is both a social and competitive game which gets you very physically fit. It is extremely fun as a team sport and the friendships and bonds that come along with it only makes it better. It is an excellent opportunity to bond with students from other years, as well as a great way to improve your fitness!

Huge thanks must be made to coach and support system Mr Kain, who took over for Mr Spronken a couple years ago. We were saddened to see Mr Spronken move on as he had set water-polo up for success. 

The team togs for everyone, are incredibly dashing and look great in the water along with team caps.