Kristan Mouat — Jul 2, 2016

Peter Hills, Deputy Principal and Sue Kim, Korean teacher were awarded scholarships to attend the 2016 International Conference of Korean Educators Abroad in Seoul for a week at the end of July. 

The scholarships are in recognition of their national leadership in Korean language learning, and they were notified of their success in June by the Korean Education Centre in Auckland, supported by the Korean government. 

It's an exciting growth area and everyone involved is excited about being able to  offer native Korean speakers status and access to NCEA qualifications as well as Kiwi students keen to learn Korean from scratch. 

Our school offers Korean from Year 9-13 and also assessments to all NZ secondary schools.  So far 30 schools from around NZ have enrolled for various programmes. 

It's a good example of working cleverly and collaborating with the technology we have to provide innovative solutions for students. 

 We've had online learning available at Logan Park for students for over 10 years and lots of students are able to access exciting courses via online/virtual classrooms to follow their passions. 

Peter Hills is also an initiator of the Asian Language Learning contract at our school . We offer Chinese, Japanese, Korean and next year may offer Hindi, Filipino and Bahasa.