Race Rogaining
Warwick KaIn - September 27, 2021
The adventure racers were at it again, competing in the 6 hour “Wicked Rogaine” held at Charteris Bay opposite Lyttleton. What began with the “Get2Go challenge”, has continued this year with two six hour rogaines.
After getting the initial taste of adventure racing in 2018, the group of 8 regulars; Nick James-Pirie, Madeline Simons, Amelia James-Pirie, Caitlin McDonald -Waters, Tsugumi Watanabe-Parks, Bill Campbell, George Fisher and Liam Black, tackled the 6 hour Hillary Challenge in May, and competed in events around Dunedin to prepare for the 6 hour Wicked Rogaine which was held in August.
The group have taken initiative by the horns, organising and executing the trips on their own. Congrats to our dual rodent rogaine teams who, despite tough competition, managed to secure a 1st and 2nd place finish in the Wicked Rogaine. The team is now training to compete in the Peak to Peak in the October school holidays in Queenstown and no doubt will secure more wins.