Oliver Robson and John Dodd — Nov 9, 2015

2015 has been a strong year for contemporary rock music at LPHS - including The Only Others going far in RockQuest, strong representation at the Amped music project and topping it all off with the annual outdoor music concert.

Logan Park band, The Only Others, (Jasper Holloway, Rani Cohen and Oliver Robson), placed second regionally in this year’s Smokefree RockQuest, giving them the opportunity to make it to the nationals with a video entry. They weren't selected for nationals, but were shortlisted, putting them in the top 20 bands nationally.

The Amped Music Project returned this year, giving Dunedin bands the opportunity to attend workshops held by successful musicians and industry professionals. Logan Park had a strong representation participating, with two bands (Jimmy and the Stale Fingers, and The Only Others) and multiple soloists including Alex McMillan with live electronic music, and Abe Baillie on multiple instruments including guitar, bass, keys and drums. The Project finished with a showcase gig featuring all of the participants.

Term three finished off with the annual outdoor music concert which was amazing despite a last minute turning of the weather. As well as The Only Others and Jimmy and the Stale Fingers performing, it was great to hear the fantastic duo of Erica Stedman and Carmen Heinze-Farrington again. Also very impressive were a band of Year 10 musicians (Louis Freeman, Jesse Mckersey, Nashoba Addai, Lucan Willis and Benny Holloway) combining the lyric of Come Together with the music of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Awesome! The day finished off with a very funky Watermelon Man from Bryn McKerracher, Tim Copland, Max Scott and George Maclaurin (making a rare appearance on drums).