Heike Cebulla-Elder — May 29, 2022

On the 23rd of May we finally had the opportunity to meet with our French pen pals in a virtual setting - via zoom!

Our partner school “le college Georges Brassens” at Marignane in the south of France were online during their first class in the morning at 8am which meant that we needed to stay at LPHS until 6pm to be able to meet them live. 

About 20 LPHS students from all year levels stayed at school, shared some kai, played some games and watched a French film until at 6pm we zoomed in with Marignane.

It was a great chance to ask lots of questions and see some of our pen pal partners at their school (and vice versa). There was lots of laughter as we discovered many similarities (such as kebabs!) and differences (very long school days in France and no uniform!) It was also lovely for our French students to make connections between different levels while playing “babyfoot” and Jenga. 

A grand merci a Yannick who went away to get some pizzas for all of us! Let’s do it again!!