Suzanne Robins — Aug 20, 2014

Logan Park can justly be proud of our top senior debating team, which was placed second in the 2014 Dunedin Schools’ Debating competition.

The final stage of the competition was held on Wednesday 13 August, with teams debating whether NZ citizens during WWII should have had the right to refuse to serve and then whether commercial surrogacy should be legalised. Quite an ask! (Thanks to the History Department, whose work was very much in evidence, as we convinced the adjudicators in the semi-finals that New Zealanders should not have been able to refuse to serve.)

Our team of Jake Kohu-Morris (Y12), Connor Seddon (Y13), Meran Campbell-Hood (Y12) and Helen Prime (Y13) were the top team entering the semi-finals and while they didn’t win the final and retain the cup (congratulations, Columba), they were the only team to have all 4 members placed in the top 10 of the competition.

The rankings were: Connor – 2rd , Meran – 3rd, Jake – 5th, Helen – 7th

This has been a highly competitive, hotly contested competition, but it has also been a lot of fun and has helped to foster friendships between competitors and teachers from different schools.

The senior competition has been hosted by Logan Park and the junior level was hosted by Columba.

Jake and Meran are keen to take the cup again next year...