Hero photograph
Digital Design
Photo by Deirdre Cooper

Digital Design Technology

Deirdre Cooper —

The Digital Design Technology classes worked really well in Term 1 this year.


Students of all levels creaded and submitted work for their first internals.  The Level 1 students researched a teen issue and created an original infographic to display their findings.


Level Two (year 12) students completed a ‘poster series’ where they needed to document their iterative process, getting feedback from their end user and to plan the project on a day to day planner. This was a large amount of work that they all completed to a very high standard. 


Level three students all had a strong design background, as most have previously completed Level 1 and 2. They were asked to design ANY digital product and alongside this get feedback from the end users (often their friends or family) and make changes as they go. There was a tremendous diversity of interest amongst the students. Some producing poster series, some games, some 3 -D models.