Dylan Deans Bennett and Jonty Horwell — Mar 30, 2015

It was the start of Term 2, 2014 when our pocket bike kit finally arrived, but unfortunately there were no instructions. Therefore we were two men on a mission to fully design and build the best (and only) bike ever created (in the LPHS metal workshop). 

We started out researching possible ideas from many sources (actually just google images). Once we had a rough idea of what we wanted to create we sketched our ideas. It was at this point we realised how comical our bike would look, but that wasn't going to stop us. Once we finished our design work we set out to build our bike. We built it mainly out of 21mm pipe and the only problem we encountered was drilling out the engine base plate, but apart from this it all went smoothly. It took us roughly a year to make but it was all worth it when we had our first ride up the school driveway (with a helmet of course). Once we had finished we had to think of a name that was worthy of the bike's brilliance.  After much thought and consideration we christened it the Motard. The bike and the written work that went with it earned us 12 Level 1 credits but we enjoyed it so much, it hardly seemed like work doing so.