Metiria Turei by Francine Vella

Amnesty International Metiria Turei Event

Our Amnesty International group organised a meeting with Green Party Co-leader, Metiria Turei, in September, on "Future Government Policy on Refugees and Asylum Seekers."

The event followed on from Term two's event with National MP and Minister of Immigration, Michael Woodhouse on the current government’s refugee quota.

The aim was to raise discussion and awareness about the New Zealand government’s refugee quota and current policy on refugees and asylum seekers. The Amnesty group believe the refugee crisis is the largest humanitarian crisis facing the world today, and are committed to standing up for the rights of refugees. Having heard the National Government’s view on immigration policy and the Amnesty International campaign to ‘Double the Quota’, this follow-­up meeting was an opportunity to hear cross-­party perspectives on this global issue.  

Co-organisers of our event, Katharine Woolrych and Alva Feldmeier welcomed and thanked Metiria and Suzanne Robins chaired the event which saw lots of questions from interested students.