Defence Bus by Kristan Mouat

Defence Force Visit

The Defence Forces Careers Bus came to visit LPHS on Thursday, 3rd March. A number of our classes went to visit throughout the day and the bus was open during Interval and Lunch time for all other students. Its purpose was to highlight the significant number and variety of careers and training available through the New Zealand Army, Royal New Zealand Navy and the Royal New Zealand Air Force.

The students heard how people in the Army, Navy and Air Force help with New Zealand’s roles in international peacekeeping, with national and international disasters, defence of New Zealand waters and search and rescue missions. Life in the Defence Forces was described and students heard that in spite of some career options requiring minimal entry requirements they should stay at school until the end of Year 13. This is because there are a significantly lower number of jobs available compared to the number of applicants. In 2015 there were approximately 1,400 jobs available for over 16,000 applicants. This is true of all career options outside of the Defense Forces so aim high, find your supports and get all you can out of school! Remember you have a Careers Department full of resources and people you can discuss ideas, concerns and options with.

Follow up information is available from the Careers Department.