Sports by Frankie Vella

August Sports Report

Our Student Sports Council has been running for over 10 years. It is made up of Sports Prefects, the Sports Coordinator and students who are keen to be involved in organising fun events.

Having students from across different year groups helps let opinions from a wide range of students be heard and helps the younger students understand the aspects of being a leader in our school.

Over the year, our Student Sports Council runs inter-house competitions and lunchtime sporting events such as dodgeball, netball, futsal and others. These events serve as a great way to make friends with people throughout the school from different classes and year levels.

This year we have also focussed on inclusiveness of activities for those students who do not normally play sports. We have made it less competitive and encouraged more participation with fun adaptive sports games.

Another initiative is our Girls Zone times in the gym, which focuses on supporting girls participation in Sport. Girls Zone is run by senior girls alongside our Sports Coordinator.

A number of talented sports students are currently enjoying working on resilience and leadership with community leaders and mentors. Reflecting, appreciating, goal setting and journaling have been important features of the programme.