Year 13 Leadership Camp by Yvonne Caulfield

Year 13 Leadership Camp

On Friday the 1st of July a group of Year 13 students and teachers set off down to Tautuku for a weekend of fantastic experiences, memories and challenges both physically and mentally. 

We had the opportunity to do many activities such as the confidence course, kayaking and abseiling (with some students even attempting it front first!)  We were incredibly lucky to have such great weather during our time with clear skies two out of the three nights we stayed. 

We went out on night walks where we could see the sky and all of the stars incredibly clearly, so clear in fact that some of us even saw shooting stars. We also had the privilege of doing many leadership and self learning workshops and activities over the weekend, involving things such as group activities like role playing and a challenging initiative course, to more self focused things such as a 20 minute drop off on the beach where we spent the time with ourselves and once again, the beautiful stars.

The weekend was overall a really great and valuable experience for everyone involved. Activities like the initiative course helped us to improve our leadership skills. Many students also found the opportunity to explore where they may go after they leave school also very valuable. It was also a great bonding experience and definitely worth taking part in! Thank you to Dr Thompson, Mr Govan, Mr Verberne, Ms Caulfield and her family for making this camp happen.