Hero photograph
Photo by Jenny Felton

Kia Kaha Programme

Jenny Felton —

Information for parents/whānau

For the next 2 weeks of this term and week 1, term 3 all classes are going to be looking at the NZ Kia Kaha programme

Kia Kaha consists of a comprehensive range of anti-bullying resources to help children and young people learn and apply a range of safe practices that they can use to build and maintain successful relationships throughout their lives.

The New Zealand Police recommends that learning activities in Kia Kaha operate within a whole-school approach as described on the Bullying-Free NZ website

Parents and whānau are strongly encouraged to support Kia Kaha through supporting their child with the range of home-based activities that are included in the Kia Kaha programme.

The pamphlet Kia Kaha: Your community must stand strong against bullying describes the Kia Kaha programme in more detail.

For further information check out these factsheets:

Image by: Jenny Felton