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Student Attendance / Absence

Lyttelton Primary School —

If your child is going to be absent from school due to sickness or for any other reason - please notify the school office.

The Education Act 1989 requires that all children six years old and over must attend school. Once enrolled, it is compulsory for children to attend school regularly.

Lyttelton Primary School encourages students to participate fully in school life. Students are expected to attend school when required, and to be on time for classes. This policy applies for off-site activities as well, such as EOTC activities.

We monitor the daily attendance of students to:

  • ensure their safety both in getting to school, and in accounting for them in an emergency
  • identify students with achievement, engagement, or other issues
  • meet our legal responsibilities.

Parents and guardians also have legal obligations to ensure their children attend school. The school expects parents to:

  • notify the school office if their child is going to be absent from school by phone (929 0588 - option 1 ) or email (office@lyttelton.school.nz) prior to 9am
  • try to arrange appointments etc. outside school hours or in holidays
  • work with the school to manage any attendance issues.

Absences are usually unjustified unless the student is too sick to attend school, or has suffered a bereavement. 

Any child absent from class without a know reason will be followed up by a phone call from the office staff. The school roll is taken after the bell is rung at 9am and again when children go back in to class after lunch at 1:20pm.

Holidays should only be taken during school holidays. If you plan to take your child on a holiday during term time then we ask that you make application, to the Principal, in writing for this leave. The MOE classify any students who are on holiday during term time as an unjustified absence.

If arriving at school after the 9am bell - please ensure your child signs in at the school office first before heading to class.

Unacceptable levels of absence

Attendance is monitored through our student management system (SMS), and parents are notified of absences and/or patterns of absences. The school follows up on unacceptable levels of absence (10 half-days per term) and may refer the case to the Attendance Service.

Leaving school during the day

Students may not leave the school during school hours except by special arrangement – for example, a parent request (verbal or written) for the student to attend a medical appointment. The student must sign out at the school office.

Out of school tuition and activities

Any request from a parent for their child to attend a programme or activity off-site during school hours must be made at least one week before the planned event. The request is approved or declined entirely at the discretion of the principal who considers each application on its merits, using the following criteria:

  • The specific relevance and benefit to the student’s education and their learning and development goals.
  • The length of time away from regular school programmes that the activity will require.
  • The qualifications and experience of the course provider.

If permission is granted for a student to attend such a programme, they are marked as present for that time, with a comment about their attendance at the programme.