Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Level 2 Expectations
As we return to school our school-wide focus for the next few weeks will be on teaching and positively reinforcing our Level 2 Health & Safety Expectations.
PB4L-SW is about establishing a positive, safe school climate with relationships at the heart. We will be taking time to reconnect, just like we did at the beginning of the school year. We will be using our school VALUES to build whānaungatanga, by providing time for tamariki to connect through structured and unstructured opportunities (adult and student led). We will make regular check-ins a priority.
We will use our EXPECTATIONS matrix to reteach key routines and and teach our additional behaviour expectations under Level Two. For example: ‘What does ‘respect’ look like under Level Two? It means respecting other people’s space…’, washing your hands for 20 seconds.’ etc. We will provide lots of opportunities for practice. Here is our expectations poster for Level 2...
We will be amplifying our ACKNOWLEDGEMENT system, issuing tamariki with Lyttel Reps, especially when they display our explicit Covid-19 behaviour expectations.
When using our CONSEQUENCES system we will first ‘connect before we correct’. It is more important than ever that we consider the function of behaviour as everyone adapts to a new normal. Consistent use of our school-wide consequence system will help provide a safe and predictable environment for all.