Hero photograph

Earthquake Procedure

Rita Norris —

This is a reminder of what procedures our school will follow in the event of an earthquake - especially with our recent quake on 14 February 2016!

Attached please find our Earthquake Procedures for your reference.  

In the event of a major quake we will endeavour to text families as soon as practical to advise you as to what is happening at school.  This  will let you know if we are carrying on as per normal or if you need to collect your child.  If you do need to collect your child you will be directed to your child's teacher or nominated person on arrival  to record they have left the school grounds and who with (parent/caregiver or nominated person only).  Our website will be updated regularly when possible.  In the event of children and staff needing to leave the school grounds - notices will be posted at school to let you know where everyone is (along with texts).

Please talk with your child/ren to remind them to follow teachers' instructions and identify who would collect them in a major event.