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Photo by Nina McMillan

PB4L - Using 'I' Statements.

Nina McMillan —

This week we started with our new PB4L focus...Making 'I' statements.

We have been exploring many ways that we talk about how we are feeling. Research suggests that thinking about the perspective of others as well as perspective giving during conflict opens up lines of positive communication. Another benefit of using 'I' statements is it diverts the conversation from placing blame on either party and allows exploration of how the individuals are feeling. Conflict resolution using 'I' statements will often result in both parties understanding the others perspective and will create a positive outcome.

Follow this simple process…

Level 1: 1) …“I feel … (how are you feeling?)

2) … when … (say what is happening)

3) … because …” (say why you feel upset or sad)

STOP and wait for an answer.

If you don’t get the answer you want, try level two:

Level 2: Say: “I mean it! Next time I would like you to …”

or: “I mean it! Next time I need you to …”

or: “I mean it! Can I please have …..”

If the problem continues, try level three:

Level 3: Go and get help from an adult you trust.