Hero photograph
Photo by Rita Norris

The Great Kiwi English, Mathematics and Science competitions are being offered again this year for Year 5 - 8 students.

Lyttelton Primary School —

These competitions were very popular last year. If you are interested, get a registration form from the office and return the form by 10 May (with payment).

Once again this year the University of Canterbury is delighted to offer the Great Kiwi English, Mathematics and Science competitions for Primary, Intermediate and Secondary schools. The Kiwi competitions are written by New Zealand teachers for New Zealand students and are based on the New Zealand curriculum. 

The online competitions will be run in the last 3 weeks of Term 2 and the first week of Term 3. All participating students will be awarded a certificate and prizes will be awarded to top students in each year group. 

The cost for a student to participate is $9 per competition entered. 

Please pay this when you return the registration form.

If you need any more information please see Rachel.