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Photo by Nina McMillan

PB4L - Including Others

Nina McMillan —

At Lyttelton Primary School we include others.

As part of our PB4L, we are focusing on including others. We are learning about kindness, compassion, and accepting people for who they are. When we include others we show empathy and we demonstrate that we can do the right thing, even when the right thing might be the harder thing to do.

At Lyttelton Primary we show this in many ways...

If someone asks to play I say "SURE!". - Harriet

If someone looks sad or lonely I say "Do you want to play with me?". - Harrison

Try to fit as many people into our games. - Griffin

Ask everyone if they want to play if they don't let them know they can join in if they want. - Quinn

If you're feeling sad join in with football. - Archer P

Be kind to others no matter what. - Bella

If you see someone who has been excluded from a game then let them join in yours. - Otis

Don't exclude people and be kind. - Summer

I showed inclusion when I asked my friend if she wanted to do some canters together at horse riding. - Nora