Hero photograph
Photo by Nikeisha Clarke

Anti-Bullying Week

Nikeisha Clarke —

Next week 15 -19th of May

At Lyttelton Primary School we encourage our students to be upstanders, respectful to others and kind always through our PB4L approach. The student council will be running events leading up to Pink Shirt Day on Friday the 19th of May to encourage our tamariki to collaborate, share and have fun as a team! 

Here is a message from the council team:

Pink Shirt Day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.

Lyttelton Primary School is going to hold a pink shirt day in memory of the student that got bullied for wearing pink.

During the week we are going to have fun filled activities for everyone in the school to enjoy like all inclusive games and colouring in competitions. 

On Friday we encourage your child to wear pink for the best dressed competition and we will also have a photo booth for everyone to use to show their support.