This past week, and next week, we are looking at Manawanui - Perseverance. Manawanui is one of the keys to success, and it’s a value we promote highly at Lyttelton Primary School.
We are keen to expose our children to a range of activities and experiences that not only broaden their minds but grow their self confidence. Not all children, however, like to try new things, or want to persist with things they are not immediately good at. Fear can be a common response to new challenges or experiences. New experiences can make children feel uncertain, vulnerable, powerless, and anxious. They can reduce the child’s sense of security and control. As a result, many children avoid the unfamiliar. They prefer not to risk attempting something new, leading to missed opportunities and setting a negative pattern that can persist into adult life. One important way we emphasise perseverance at school, is to acknowledge and congratulate effort. We look for children who show willingness to try, not just those who are successful the first time. Another tactic is to role model, or practise, scary situations. By practising conversations, greetings, or other interactions that make your child nervous, we’re helping to reduce the scariness. As well, at home, you could talk about things your child used to find scary, or difficult, that they can now do. Draw the link that by practising and persisting, they obviously got better at them.