Hero photograph
LPS Summer Reading
Photo by Amber Moke

School Library and Summer Reading

Rita Norris —

The final bell is drawing near, the beach beckons! 

The school library is closed for issues - please have a look around the house for any of our library books and drop them back as soon as you can!  Children will be given lists of any outstanding books early next week - any questions don't hesitate to get in touch.

Attached please find our notice for the Summer Reading Programme - hard copies will be available from the office on Monday.  If you are keen please return the completed form by Wednesday 6 December (or after that).  For ways to support your child/children with summer reading check out the National Library of New Zealand - Service to Schools

If you need a bag to hold all those great reads for the summer - we have the LPS Summer Reading bag available for purchase - $15 (available from the office).  Thank you to Amber for setting up the screen print image!  The money earned from these will be put back into the library!  

Stocktake - that dreaded word, has been running this week and hopefully completed early next week. 

Thank you to my librarians, parent helpers, Family Hub, children and staff - couldn't do it without you! 

Enjoy the summer break - happy reading!
