by Nina McMillan

Tech Fest T-Shirt Design

On Monday 27th March some student leaders for Techfest 2023 visited Tūranga to design the 2023 TechFest t-shirts. Two students from all participating schools attended. It was a fantastic day!

During the day we worked through many different design elements to consider such as size, shape, text and emphasis. We brainstormed Ideas related to our TechFest focus ‘Navigating the Past, Creating the Future’.

We explored questions like…

  • What are some technological advances that you consider revolutionary?

  • Technology, good or bad?

  • How do you use tech to create?

  • What will the future look like?

  • How did people look at the future, were they right?

We discussed the fact that technology is a timeline and it has changed so much!

To begin the design process we completed our brainstorm and came up with some ideas on a google doc looking at all of the design elements. We looked at some useful tools and websites such as Google Search, Grafik Magazine, Design Assembly, Designboom, The Best Awards and Fonts in Use.

The next step was to look at our design guidelines. We talked about the different shapes, colours and text that we might use and the different types of technology that we could display on the t-shirt. We all had some ideas in common and we worked towards combining them into one design. Once we decided on a design we started working on the computers to create our designs. Throughout the day it was really important to remember that there are no bad ideas!

We worked on developing our design over 30 minutes, we shared them and then it was time to collaborate! We used a programme called Infinity to create our designs. We talked about what our designs had in common. We ended the day by getting our designs printed on a sticker. We can’t wait to see how our t-shirts turn out.

It was an awesome day!

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