by Brendan Wright

Nina McMillan

Team Leader Rakinui Floor & Kaiako/Teacher - Raupō Year 5&6

Kia ora, I’m Nina, I teach in Raupo Year 5&6 and I am the staff rep on the Lyttelton Primary School board.

I am also the lead for Wellbeing / PB4L at Lyttelton and am the Within-School Lead for Student Initiatives.

I am in my 18th year of teaching and in that time, have taught at Lincoln Primary School in Canterbury, NZ and Brighton Primary School in Melbourne, Australia. 

I have been part of the Lyttelton Primary School community since term 2, 2018. Family and friends play an important role in my life. I have a large extended family and we all enjoy spending time together. I am interested in the arts, creativity, gardening and cooking. I am never far from a good book and you will often find me exploring new and interesting music to listen to. 

I am passionate about teaching and learning and I am very excited to be part of the LPS board.