Christine Ward — Mar 21, 2024

The Year 5 and 6 girls went to the Girls Have a Go Day and gave it heaps!!

On Tuesday the girls from Year 5 and 6 went to the Have a Go Day organised by Football South at Logan Park.  There was about 500 girls from schools all over Dunedin enjoying a day of  of football drills and mini games, cricket skills and fun, hockey dribbling and king of the court and rugby tackling, kicking and playing Rippa.  It was lots of fun, made even better by a rare day of full sun.  It was fantastic to see all of the girls giving everything a go.  Our girls are capable, fit, strong  and fun with incredible attitudes.  I was really proud of them all.  We were treated to an awesome afternoon of free tickets to watch the White Ferns take on England in the Women's Cricket International at the Oval. Rosie took great delight in telling Susie Bates that her old primary school was there to watch!  This was an amazing afternoon - were even on the news!!  Thanks heaps for all of the help with transport and to Katrina and Simon for their help on the day also.