Hero photograph
Photo by Sam Nelson


Sam Nelson —

Spirit week is a long-standing tradition at Mackenzie College. We are looking forward to students and staff getting behind the themes and activities.

Themes, activities and charities for the week ahead

Tuesday 27th of September: Dobson

Theme - Movie/TV shows 

Activity - Multisport 

Charity - Cancer Society

Wednesday 28th of September: Godley 

Theme - Famous Person

Activity - 4-way dodgeball 

Charity - Fairlie Foodbank

Thursday 29th of September: Macaulay

Theme - Superheroes 

Activity - Capture the flag

Charity - Fire Brigade

Friday 30th of September: Tasman

Theme - Pyjamas

Activity  Water Slide

Charity - St. John Fairlie 

Donations - $1 a day or $4 for the week. $8 for a family for the week.