Coll Mackenzie — Sep 29, 2022

Spirit week 2022 has been a resounding success.

The past four days have seen students and staff dressed in all sorts of costumes. This included TV/movie characters on Tuesday, famous people on Wednesday, superheroes on Thursday and pyjamas on Friday. It has been great to see how involved our students have been with the daily activities during lunch time, it felt like the entire school was playing dodgeball on Wednesday! As well as the house activities on offer throughout the week, it was also great to see loads of students involved in the water slide on Thursday (just before the weather turned!). At the time of writing this article we still have one more house event to come, capture the flag. This means that we do not yet know which house has earned the most points over the week and in turn has earned money for their chosen charity, this information will be published over the coming days. I have been impressed with the organisational skills on show from our student leaders. Spirit week is a student run event and it has occurred without issue, this is a testament to the quality of young people we have attending our kura. Lastly, I would like to thank the community for supporting this event. I know there have been countless caregivers helping their children organise costumes, and members of the community helping source materials for the various activities that have been on offer. Events like spirit week really highlight how special the Mackenzie community is. Bring on spirit week 2023!