We appreciate everyone who shared their thoughts on our current school uniform through the survey. A total of 116 responses were received, reflecting a wide range of feedback. To enhance clarity and understanding, we will be presenting the feedback in graph format, making it easier for the community to grasp the key insights.
In light of the feedback we've received, our board is committed to conducting a comprehensive review of the school uniform. This review process is scheduled for 2024. We want to assure parents that any changes resulting from this review will be implemented with the incoming year 7 students of 2025. We want to minimise any concerns regarding the current uniform and ensure a smooth transition for students and parents.
This review presents a significant opportunity for us to improve the school uniform and create something that all of us can take pride in. We value ongoing collaboration with parents and stakeholders, and we will continue to seek your input and insights as we work towards a uniform that reflects the aspirations and needs of our school community. Your feedback is instrumental in this process, and we look forward to designing a uniform that resonates with our shared values and identity.
Please see the attached pdf with the survey results.