Hero photograph
Waka-ama have a go day
Photo by Internet

Junior Have-a-go Waka Ama

Colin Webster —

All junior students in giving Waka Ama a go...Listen up!! This is the first time Hoe Tonga are hosting an event that specifically targets intermediate aged (year 7 and 8) and junior (year 9 and 10) secondary school students. This event is to introduce students to Waka Ama before moving on to secondary school competitions in the following year.

The event will include a brief pre-race workshop which includes an introduction to Waka Ama and a land based tipping drill. All teams must be at the workshop before racing.Host: Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama AssociationVenue: Cog Park, Evans Bay WellingtonWhen: Sunday 8 December (year 9 & 10)Distance: W6 1km, W6 2kmDivisions:Junior (Year 9 & 10)Please register you interest with Collin Webster Sports department (Gymnasium)