Hero photograph
Photo by Janine Laumua

Engagement Reports and Student Achievement

Greg Sharland —

As a school, we remain committed to keeping you up-to-date with your child's progress.

We do this in a number of ways:

  • Fortnightly engagement reports sent via email (please note: this is an automated email sent via our student management system (Kamar) so can end up in your Spam. Please check for this and label it as 'safe'.
  • Senior NCEA progress - this is attached to the fortnightly engagement reports and provides an up-to-date picture of NCEA progress.
  • Student/Parent Portal (https://portal.mana.school.nz/index.php) - this provides live data including attendance, assessment results, engagement data, notices, and much more. If you don't have your password for this please contact your child's Learning Advisor.
  • Face-to-face conferences

Please feel free to contact learning advisors and/or subject teachers if you have any concerns. We are all very willing to help.