Hero photograph
Photo by Faye

Support staff pay equity

Elmarie Els —

Mana College students and staff supporting support staff to gain pay equity.

WHAT ARE WE CAMPAIGNING FOR? Pay equity and collective agreement negotiations for teacher aides are underway, and we’re pushing for a government commitment to a substantial pay increase that finally recognises teacher aides’ skills and responsibilities by the end of 2019. Other support staff also need significant pay increases, improvements to allowances and firm commitments to pay equity processes too. Government funding is essential to make this happen. Schools must be resourced to pay support staff fairly, ensure secure employment and provide high quality learning support. Support staff make a real difference for our tamariki and rangatahi – and now it’s time for the people on the frontline of education to get a fair go. Together, we can make it happen. campaigns.nzei.org.nz/support-staff

Image by: Elmarie Els