Elmarie Els — May 19, 2020

Wellbeing and transitions back to early learning and school for children and young people with learning support needs

Hosted by Dr David Wales, National Director, Learning Support, this webinar is for parents and whānau supporting children and young people with disabilities, high health needs, learning and behaviour difficulties to return to early learning services and schools. Panellists including Mark Potter, Principal Berhampore Primary School, parent Frian Wadia, RTLB Cluster Manager Roseanne Gibson, Practice Adviser Māori (Pouhikiahurea) Sonja MacFarlane and Psychologist Michelle Wood, Ministry of Education, will share their diverse knowledge and experience.

Image by: Elmarie Els

You can join the live webinar any time from 10.45am for an 11am start on Thursday 21 May and participate by sending questions you’d like the panel to answer through the live chat.