Principals Message
John Murdoch - November 11, 2022
You may remember on the 17th August 2017, Bill English visited Mana College to announce a $9 million dollar re-development of the school as a 'gesture of confidence' about what was happening within the school.
Five years later, the cranes lowered the portocoms into the lower area of the school (see Photo), and the contractors came on site to start preparations for the gym renovation it felt that gesture has turned a strong commitment to the life of this school community for decades to come.
We can definitely say that the Ministry’s commitment to this beautiful school community has been actioned.
To recap Stage 1 looks like:
1. $1 million renovation of the gym
2. Demolition of B & C Block
3. Technology Block build underway
4. Decant of English & Social Science to prefabs.
We are now well on the way, whanau, to having a school which will be the pride of Western Porirua and an asset of significance.