Hero photograph
Mana College
Photo by Elmarie Els

Yr 9 Big Day Out

Jeff Chapman —

The purpose of our BDO is to experience an enjoyable and relaxed day out with the Yr9 cohort and staff to finish the year on a positive note. This letter is to advise you of, and help prepare your child for the day.

Details - Regardless of where students live they need to be at the marae at 8:50am to assist in taking the roll and staying together for the day. The entire cohort will be walking to Onepoto Park to take part in ‘old school’ type activities like three legged race, tug of war etc. After lunch we will go to Titahi Bay Beach for a sandcastle competition and water fight. Students will be dismissed from the beach to go home at the end of the day.

Dress Up Theme - Students and staff are to wear clothing that starts with the first letters of their LA teachers name. For example 9CH a student could come as a Cowboy for C or a Horse for H. Students also need to bring and/or wear appropriate clothing for the day (i.e. casual, comfortable, no gang association or revealing clothing), including shoes that they can walk 20-30 minutes in. There will be an opportunity to swim and/or get wet at the beach/pool, so having togs and towel is recommended too.

Costs - Students are asked to bring $3 to pay for entry to Te Rauparaha Pool if we have to move to Plan B/wet weather alternative. Students are required to bring their own snacks and water for the day. There will be a bbq lunch provided.

Adult supervision - There will be multiple staff involved in the day, including all of the yr 9 LA teachers.