Newsletter Term 2, Week 1
John Murdoch - April 24, 2023
Kia ora koutou
Talofa Lava, Melo le lei, Bula Vinaka, Noa’ia, Kia Orana and a warm Pacific greetings to you all.
Welcome back to Mana College for Term 2.
I’m excited to welcome you back to Mana College for what looks like an exciting term with a dramatic start and a satisfying finish to the first half of the year free of covid restrictions.
We welcome Claude Aranui and Vicki Morton to our teaching staff this term. Claude joins us from Te Kura o Māori Porirua and will teach English at all levels, while Vicki is well known and respected at Mana College and will be taking over Shelley’s classes while she is on leave Term 2. In addition, we welcome Victoria Reynolds, and Nora Ah Kuoi as new Teacher Aides to the Learning Support team.
We also welcome an addition to our awesome Hauora team, Jennifer Clarke, a wellbeing practitioner from Tu Ora.
Senior students will be representing the college at three events on Tuesday 25th April and you are welcome to join us in this group or commemorate with your family at the following services:
Titahi Bay RSA Dawn service - 6.30am
Porirua City Civic service - 9am
Ngāti Toa service, Takapuwahia marae - 10.30am
Congratulations to the Mana College Ki o Rahi teams who participated in the 2023 national tournament at Rotorua in the first week of the holidays. The groups thoroughly enjoyed themselves, representing with mana and finishing in 10th place in the country.
Congratulations to Sean Felise, Keira Noble-Shedlock and Heidi Brian for their representative achievements in Hockey and Rugby League recently.
Moana Production
We are so excited to be hosting this extravaganza this week. There will be three evening shows and two matinees.
Wednesday 26th April 7pm
Thursday 27th April 1pm and 7pm
Friday 28th April 1pm
You can book tickets through Cheryl in the school office.
PPTA Industrial Action
Subject to the progress in negotiations, it has been signalled that PPTA action will take place on Wednesday 10 May 2023.
Because the majority of our teaching staff are union members the school will be closed for instruction on this date if the strike goes ahead.
In addition, we have been advised that rostering home of year levels will commence from Week Two. This means we are unable to teach the identified year level on that particular day.
Year 11 – Thursday 4th May
Year 12 – Tuesday 9th May
Year 13 – Thursday 11th May
Year 9 – Tuesday 16th May
Year 10 – Wednesday 17th May
Year 11 – Thursday 25th May
Year 13 – Tuesday 30th May
Year 12 – Thursday 1st June
Year 10 – Tuesday 6th June
Year 9 – Thursday 8th June
We will keep you updated once further information comes to hand.
Important dates for the calendar:
Whanau day - 5 May
Mid term break - 5th and 6th June
Parent teacher meetings - 25th May
Hato Pāora Rugby exchange - 31 May
No reira
Tena koutou
Tena koutou
Tena koutou katoa