Mr Chapman with a group of students and Police recruits by John Murdoch

New Level 3 Course – Policing studies

John MurdochFebruary 5, 2019

On Friday 1 February, staff and students were welcomed at a Powhiri at the Police College by the Commissioner of Police, celebrating the launch of the Year 13 course, ‘Introduction to Police Studies’.

The course aims to provide students with a common base (foundation) level understanding of the knowledge, skills, attributes and attitudes associated with the Police and Policing, and potentially other agencies in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

In addition to this, the course will provide an opportunity for students to explore the physical and leadership requirement of a police officer. This course is a prerequisite for entry to the New Zealand Police.

The course offers 25 NCEA level 3 credits and 15 level 4 credits within the course and will support the leadership development of our senior students.   

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