Enrolment Zone by Elmarie Els
John Murdoch — February 5, 2019
Our school roll continues to climb and is now around the 440 mark and counting. As you may be aware, the Board of Trustees have adopted an enrolment scheme which has been approved by the Ministry of Education and taken effect this year on January 1.
The details of the scheme can be found on our website and described below.
The northern boundary runs from Mana Island around the coastal area of Titahi Bay North. The boundary around to Onepoto Road and continues along both sides of Titahi Bay Road. Where Titahi Bay Road meets Wi Neera Drive, the boundary continues along Wi Neera Drive then goes across Porirua Stream to SH1 and then runs down SH1 down to the Porirua and Wellington Council boundary. The Southern Boundary runs down Kenepuru Drive. Wall Place is included with in Zone, Rembrandt Avenue is not in zone. Broken Hill Road and all addresses off it are in zone. The southern Boundary then follows the Porirua/Wellington Council boundary to the coast. The scheme then runs out to Mana Island. Mana Island is in zone.
Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:
First Priority: Te Whare Ako/Services Academy
Second Priority: Will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
Third Priority: Will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
Fourth Priority: Will be given to applicants who are children on former students.
Fifth Priority: Will be given to applicants who are either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
Sixth Priority: Will be given to all other applicants.
Any family who want to enrol their children, will need to be aware of this scheme, the home boundaries and the orders of priority as stated. First priority will be given to students who are in zone and who have been accepted for enrolment in Te Whare Ako and the Service Academy. Second priority will be for students who are siblings of current students.