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Photo by Mana Media

Irene Wakefield, CEO and founder of Prepair NZ guest speaks to our year 10 students during an Academic Coaching session.

Mana Media —

Prepair NZ aims to educate young people about healthy relationships, emotional abuse and self-love.

New Zealand has an extremely high rate of domestic violence: one in three women experience some form of abuse in their lifetime. The most common form of abuse is psychological or emotional. It’s often subtle and hidden, and its effects are underestimated.

After learning about abusive relationships, Irene realised that a former relationship had been emotionally abusive. Unhealthy or abusive relationships were something she had never been taught about in school – she questioned why and felt compelled to start Prepair NZ.

Prepair NZ works with young people aged from 15 to 29 through workshops and online tools. Irene wants to encourage positive relationships by educating students about healthy relationships, the early signs of abuse and what to do about it. Prepair NZ focuses on self-love and engages its audience through digital platforms such as social media.

The Prepair NZ website has lots of useful information and advice, including a list of the ten signs of abuse.