Elizabeth Reid — Nov 16, 2016

After eight spectacular years in Morris House, in 2016 I had the pleasure of taking on the role of Dean. 

After working with amazing Deans in the past, such as Tash Simpson and Steve Parrant, it was now my turn to step up with the support of Morris House teachers, students and supporters. Starting off the year with a bang with fun events such as Tabloids, Athletics and Swimming Sports, Morris House students made a wonderful start with lots of green, house spirit and successes. Throughout the rest of the year we saw many successes for Morris with students passing NCEA earlier than expected, improving their attendance and showing the values of MANA in all aspects of the College.

Having the opportunity to pick from an outstanding set of applications for Morris House captains, leaders and junior leaders left Morris House with a hard-working team of Morris House Leaders. Our three captains, Dion McErlean, Hayden O’Neill and Emily Culleton worked extremely hard over the year leading the group through all events with passion and pride. I wish them nothing but the best for their future endeavors and know that all three will be successful in wherever their future takes them.

I would like to personally thank not only the House captains but also the senior and junior leaders from Morris for creating a House spirit that cannot be beaten. Along with the leaders I would like to thank the wonderful teachers from Morris, Mr Steven Parrant, Ms Kylie Kauri, Mr Nathan Webb, Miss Kirsty Tucker and Miss Capri Chapman. Everyone has worked well together to create a strong House and I can’t thank everyone enough.

Finally, I would like to give my thanks to all the students of Morris House. I know all of the success Morris House sees comes from the amazing students who put themselves forward to give anything a go.

I cannot wait to work with everyone again next year, and the new lot of year nine students lucky enough to be in Morris House. I see nothing but success and winning for Morris House next year and know we can reclaim the first place with lots of participation and fun!

Elizabeth Reid

House Captains' Report

We don't know how to start…

What a year it has been being Morris House captains. The three of us have been blown away by the drive that this House has to succeed, and the desire to win. The love within the House is felt as soon as you walk through B10 on a Monday for House meetings. The House spirit is a College best with everyone giving everything in all events even if it's not their favourite.

There have been many highlights from winning House events, to creating and showing off a House chant and to our prizes that we win if we’ve shown the famous Morris spirit.

This House would not be absolutely amazing without the hard work from our amazing mentor teachers. A huge thanks from your House captains for the last five amazing years with all you guys.  Win or lose, our house spirit will always be the best in the school.

The final thank you has to go to the best house Dean, Mrs Reid. The time you’ve dedicated to the House is unbelievable. You’re all for the kids and that's all as a House is we could ask for. From the House prizes to the amazing lunches, you’ve turned our House spirit up 100 notches just in one year. You should be so proud of how much you’ve accomplished in your first year as Dean, Mrs Reid, and we can only see great things in the future for Morris House. As 2016 Morris House leaders we wish the House all the best for the future and remember to win at all costs. Morris House will always be a highlight from our College life and we will always wear our Morris House top with utter pride.

Always remember, “Morris is so hot to go, H O T T O G O, like ohh hot to go.” 

Dion, Emily and Hayden, 2016 Morris House Captains