Mana Media — Jun 21, 2017

On Wednesday 21st of June, Junior Homeroom 9FH and our Senior Student Leaders set off for the big city for the annual Amazing Race trip.

 On the first day the group participated in a ceremony at the War Memorial Museum in Wellington. They marched out to the tomb of the unknown warrior with the Commander in the Army and a soldier who played the last post.

Jayden Skipper and Miss Frith read the Ode of Remembrance in Te Reo Maori and then the group said it in English. They then held a minute of silence before being told to 'about face' and march back inside. The students were incredibly respectful throughout the ceremony as they understood the importance of paying their respects. An awesome way to consolidate their learning over the term!

On day two the Amazing Race teams headed in to Wellington City on the train. They completed a quick general maths activity in the foyer then headed for the buses activity. They had to get onto five consecutive buses and stay on each for at least 6 minutes.

After that they had to make their way back to the cable car. Up they went and found the Botanical Gardens where they worked hard doing some level 2 NCEA networks! Such a clever bunch of mathematicians.

Then it was off to Parliament and then to the East West Ferry terminal. The crossing was cold, wet and so much fun on the top! Some of them got drenched and some just hid (as you can see in the photos). They weather was not cooperating, but the Maths must go on! So it was off to some indoor facilities for our next round of challenges.

The morning’s weather on day three was terrible in Wellington. So the group completed inside activities kicking off with robots. The students had to programme their little beebot around a course. There was a lot of trial and error and a little bit of praying! 

The students were amazing. They took advantage of every opportunity that was provided and behaved impeccably. 

Congratulations to Marley's Mob, Cory Bennett, Jayden Skipper, Ashdyn Thwaites and Porsha Ross who were crowned the winner of the Amazing Race this year!

A big thank you to Miss Frith, Mr O'Sullivan, Mr McDonald, Kylie and the senior student leaders who made the trip a success.