Hero photograph
Photo by Mana Media

Morris House wins the Inter-House Winter Sports Competition!

Mana Media —

The Winter Sports competition consists of each house playing off in games of basketball, netball, soccer and hockey. 

There are 6 games per round and two points are awarded for a win and one point for a draw.

Round One: On Friday 4th August Field House faced Robertson and Morris House faced Allen.  

Field won three games and drew one against Robertson.  

Morris won four of their six games against Allen House.

Points: Morris 8

                Field 7

                Robertson 5

                Allen 4

Round Two: On Friday 11th August Morris House faced Robertson and Field faced Allen House.

It was a whitewash for Morris House, winning all 6 games against Robertson.

Allen House beat Field House in four of their 6 games.

Points: Morris 12

                Allen 8

                Field  4

                Robertson  0

Round Three: On Friday 18th August Morris House faced Field and and Allen faced Robertson House in the final round of Winter Sports.

Morris won five of their six games against Field.

Robertson won three and tied one of their games against Allen House.

Points:  Morris 10

                 Robertson 7

                 Allen 5

                 Field 2

Morris took out the competition, adding 20.8 points to their total competition points.  Allen House came second, taking 11.8 points.  Field was third with 9 points and Robertson earned 8.3 points towards their total.  

Congratulations Morris House!