Mana Media — May 10, 2019

'Attitude' is a group of young people who travel New Zealand speaking in schools to creatively teach life skills that will assist teenagers to make life-enhancing choices.

On Friday 10th May, Brayden came to deliver year level specific presentations to our students that encompassed all aspects of total well-being, as well as giving them ideas on how to tackle their teenage years and become the best version of themselves that they can be.

The year 9 students were delivered the 'Hauora' presentation.  They were introduced to the concept of holistic wellbeing and the four main aspects of this; the physical, mental, spiritual and social sides to every teenager. 

The year 10  students were presented, 'Hardwired'.  This presentation addressed the issues that cause people to develop habits with drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and give the students ideas about how to make positive decisions, deal with peer pressure and overcome addictions.

The year 11 students watched the 'Attitudes' presentation. This presentation offered them practical advice on how to get through the hard chapters of life and focused on the importance of making positive decisions.

The year 12 and 13 students combined to see the 'Sex with Attitude' presentation.  This was a guide to building and maintaining healthy relationships, offering them ideas on dealing with peer pressure and coping with break-ups.