Hero photograph
Photo by Bridget Dryden

Fire! Fire! The boxes in Toetoe have been put to many uses over the past few weeks. This week they have morphed into boats.

Bridget and Fiona —

We have investigated the best way to attach a mast (and it doesn't involve any sellotape), added flags, named our vessels and gone on a few expeditions to bury our treasure.

As part of this today the tamariki investigated creating treasure maps  to take in their boats with them.  There was lots of discussion about what a map needed: a cave with a sleeping animals, lava, quick sand, trees, lava, lakes, sharks and more lava.

Once our maps were drawn we decided that they looked far too clean so out came the old classic of some tea and some matches.  We talked about keeping safe with fire and the importance of giving matches to an adult if you find them lying around and then the fire work began.  

To prevent our whole map burning up, we painted around the edges with water.  This meant the fire couldn't burn out of control.  A few children chose not to burn their edges themselves, they were happy to watch while a teacher did it for them and some embraced the challenge.  What a great day.  I can't wait to see if any of the maps actually lead us to treasure.  I have a sneaky suspicion there might be some random "boxes of treasure" hidden in our sand pit!  Happy digging.