Hero photograph

Tēna rawa atu koutou!

Heidi Trott —

Thank you all so much for supporting Māpua School Matariki!

Matariki was again a magical (and a wee bit chilly!) experience. From the buzz and excitement of the Market which raised over $2,000 for local children's charity The Christmas Project, through to all of the talent on display on stage. What an incredible way for our tamariki to shine.

We would like to make some specific acknowledgements;

To Shane Devries for supplying the meat free of charge for the hangi (for the second year in a row!)

To Four Square for co-ordinating with Ingham's Chickens to sponsor the event for free and for providing amazing support with the rest of the kai/supplies.

To the artists who contributed to our hue/gourd exhibition; Sarah Trolle, Gordon and Tumanako Toi, Robin Slow, Amber Beech and Fran and Lauren Kidd. We will keep your work as a special taonga/treasure for our school and a reminder of Matariki 2024.

To the team of hangi helpers. All the whānau who helped prep the vegies, made up the baskets, carved the meat, monitored the fire pit and lifted and served the meals. It's a huge team project!

To A Kind Of Perfect for adding some coffee and hot chocolate magic to our event.

To Gordon Toi for helping prepare our kapa with moko and Amy Oldfield for purchasing new makeup for our kapa and helping the tamariki get dressed.

And finally to our visitors on the night, thank you for filling our kura with warm, aroha and fun!

Tēna rawa atu koutou.

Thank you all very much.