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by Teressa Hosie

Hey, hey, hey! It's Maths Week!

Teressa Hosie - August 16, 2017

This week maths is being promoted across the country and we are joining in the fun.

Each day there are two problems on the daily notices  for the school to discuss and try to solve.   These are some of the problems so far:

*  If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?

*  If there are four apples and you take away three, how many do you have?

*  Does a kilo of gold or a kilo of feathers weight more?

*  If a rooster laid 13 eggs and the farmer took eight of them and then another rooster laid 12 eggs and four of them were rotten, how many of the eggs were left?

As well as the daily problems classes are taking part in the Daily Dollar quizzes and Survivor Maths.  These are problem solving activities that they can complete individually or as part of a team.

The photos show the Ngaio Math's Class having fun stretching their maths muscles with problems from the Survivor Maths challenge.