Waka Hourua!
Ten students from our school Kapa Haka group took part in a waka festival on Saturday 6th April.
Te Hau Kōmaru National Waka Hourua Festival is the first time in centuries that a number of waka hourua (double hulled waka) have visited this area.
The four Waka Hourua arrived in Kaiteretere, at 8:00 am to the sound of conch shells being blown, a karanga and special haka pōwhiri, which welcomed each boat by name and was performed by mana whenua and local students of Te Tau Ihu o te Waka a Māui.
It was a gorgeous morning and the sunrise hit just as the first waka came across the horizon. Hundreds of people watched the boats come in and it was incredible to be part of something so special.
Thank you to Matua Maihi for teaching us the haka and to Heidi for supporting us in this unique experience.
by Sophie Cobb