Mapua School — Mar 20, 2017



I started work at Mapua School on 22 January 1996 but then it was a much smaller school with only 6 classes.

I am a Nelsonian but have lived in various other places in NZ too. I have two adult daughters - Rebecca and Amy, and a grandson, Ollie.

Being passionate about local history, I am a member of the cemeterian team refurbishing old headstones at Wakapuaka Cemetery. I spend time there most weekends and it is interesting finding out information about different people. The earliest headstone I have refurbished is from 1892.

Gardening, reading and listening to music are my hobbies. I love to catch up with friends and family as much as possible - usually over a good coffee or a walk along Tahunanui beach.

Working alongside my colleagues is a great as we are all part of a team who have many laughs together. Our students are what makes our school so special - they are kind, considerate, well mannered and welcoming of others.