Hero photograph
Photo by Sharon Prestidge

Thank you for your contribution to a fantastic term so far.

Sharon Prestidge —

Our tamariki have again been presented with rich learning opportunities, focussed teaching and support to develop crucial academic and social skills.

Our values launch in Week Three was amazing! The apparent simplicity of the day belied the amount of work and thought that had gone on over the previous twelve months to get us collectively to that point. Thank you to everyone who shared thoughts and ideas as we developed our school values, and who are now supporting those values at home. 

Our tamariki have embraced the values with gusto and can articulate what they are and what they mean with increasing confidence. (I know at least one of you has been praised at home for your resilience!) Hopefully you are all having great conversations about what Respect, Resilience and Ready to Learn look like. The PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) team is now working to ensure we maintain momentum in our school wide approach to values. 

Attendance at whānau- teacher interviews was probably the highest we have experienced. Thank you! It is great to work together with you and develop a shared understanding of your child’s effort, progress, achievement and next steps. It is our aim that every parent understands their child’s achievement level, and how much progress they are making as well as how they can support them with next steps. We will be sharing written reports again towards the end of Term 3, and there will be student led learning celebrations in the second half of Term 4. 

Things are heating up in the property space. Work is scheduled to start on the pool on the first Monday of the holidays and should be ready for our mid winter swim in early September (really hoping for a very warm spring!!!). We are working on creating better bike parking for our students, and work is happening to rebuild our senior sandpit. I am also working on that elusive swing! All of these things are set to happen as soon as possible, so we will finally start seeing some rewards for all of your hard work fundraising and all of the hard work navigating systems  to make things happen.

We are heading into a tricky time in terms of balancing great attendance with ensuring that sick children and staff stay away from school to minimise the spread of illness. There are reports across the country that schools are already experiencing the levels of illness and absence that they would usually only have in the middle of winter. Indications are that we are in for a tough winter in terms of illness. This makes it all the more important that tamariki attend school regularly when they are well. Please try and support your child's learning by supporting them to be at school so that we can help them grow, learn and achieve. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Matariki celebration on Wednesday 26 June. (Remember to order your hangi on KINDO by Friday 7 June.)

Ngā mihi aroha
